Phlargo: Attorney at Law

Tomorrow I start my first day as an associate attorney, so I think I’ll finally update my profession here.

I’ve been remiss in informing my online community about my new job, but tomorrow is my first day.  I’ll try to post something more about it later, but I need to head to bed (it’s going to be an early morning).   I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for being supportive and patient with me.

I really wanna make a good impression and blow
them away with my intelligence, dedication, and integrity. It’s not
that I don’t know if I can meet their expectations, it’s whether I can beat
them by my own expectation of what I’m capable of. 
It’ll be a good test.

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4 Responses to Phlargo: Attorney at Law

  1. Nate says:

    Congrats dude. I still think it\’s funny how I used to be the responsible guy and you used to be the goof off. 😉 Then again you\’ve always had that drive.

  2. Marcia says:

    Well – this is a big day for you and also for those who have been watching you during this last several years.  You have a lot of people, friends, family – others who have been following your search with interest and who are just tickled pink that you have finally landed a position as an attorney. I am sure your own expectations of yourself outweigh those of the firm that hired you but I am not sure that is a bad thing.  Having high expectations of yourself seems to be a trademark you have been displaying for a while.  Don\’t forget to enjoy the moment too.  At least you will be well dressed for the occasion (twinkle in eye).Mom

  3. Claire says:

    Dear Danny, I am really glad to read about your new job. Congratulations!! Hope your first week has been interesting! I enjoy reading your blog – it keeps me a little bit up to date with what´s going on in your life. So take care!

  4. Darius says:

    Congratulations Danny! I look forward to reading about your experiences.

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